Membership form download. (Instructions are on the form.)
Membership is open to all those who are interested in furthering the objects of the Society. It runs for a calendar year, 1st April to 31st March. The subscription of any member joining the Society in the three months preceding 31st March in any year covers membership for the Society’s year commencing 1st April following the date of joining. All members of all ages and within family membership are permitted to vote. No member shall have power to vote at any meeting of the Society if his/her subscription is in arrears at the time. Membership shall lapse if the subscription is unpaid after 1st Jun that year.
Subscription We encourage members to pay direct from their Bank by Standing Order. Subscription rates are:–
- Full Members £5.00 p.a.
- Concessions (Students and Senior Citizens) £3.00 p.a.
- Family membership £12.00 p.a.
Business membership is welcome.
A completed membership form should be sent to the Membership Secretary (address is on the form). (N.B. Members renewing their membership don’t need to fill in a new form.)
Benefits of membership:
- reduced-cost attendances at talks
- free quarterly Newsletter
- participation in research
- support with research
- help with publications
- contacts for resources