Programme for the next few months

All talks are held at the Combe Down Primary School Hall in Summer Lane, BA2 5JX.   Events start at 7.30pm. CDHS Members £1, Visitors £3. All tickets on the door.

January(There is no talk in January.)
February21stEdward Bayntun-CowardThe George Bayntun Bookshop and bindery
March13thSally HelveyBeau Nash, legendary Georgian bon viveur
April17thStuart BurroughsAGM + Local History Alphabet
May8thDavid CarrHistory of Combe Down Surgery
June26thKate WerranBlack Yanks: Defending Leroy Henry in D-Day Britain
July(There is no talk this month.)
August(There is no talk this month.)
September18thAmy FrostBeckford’s Tower

The Leroy Henry talk is our last before the Summer break. There are no talks in July or August; we start again in September.

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