Combe Down allotments podcasts – Episode 1

Over the next few weeks we will be releasing a series of podcasts about the Combe Down allotments. These have been created by students from Bath Spa University. First of all, we have a video trailer describing the series.

And here is the first podcast – an account of the history of the allotments related by Jacqueline Burrows.

Programme for the next few months

All talks are held at the Combe Down Primary School Hall in Summer Lane, BA2 5JX.   Events start at 7.30pm. CDHS Members £1, Visitors £3. All tickets on the door.

January(There is no talk in January.)
February21stEdward Bayntun-CowardThe George Bayntun Bookshop and bindery
March13thSally HelveyBeau Nash, legendary Georgian bon viveur
April17thStuart BurroughsAGM + Local History Alphabet
May8thDavid CarrHistory of Combe Down Surgery
June26thKate WerranBlack Yanks: Defending Leroy Henry in D-Day Britain
July(There is no talk this month.)
August(There is no talk this month.)
September18thAmy FrostBeckford’s Tower

The Leroy Henry talk is our last before the Summer break. There are no talks in July or August; we start again in September.

Next Wednesday evening talk

On Wed 8th May we will have the next in our popular series of local history talks. Dr David Carr (retd.) will speak about The History of Combe Down Surgery.

Many of you will remember Dr Carr’s amusing account at our Christmas Wassail of incidents occurring during his long period as a Combe Down Doctor. One Wednesday, David will talk about the Surgery building’s heritage, and the roles of the doctors who kept our village healthy.

The talk will take place as usual in the Combe Down Primary School Hall in Summer Lane, BA2 5JX. The talk itself starts at 7.30pm, and the doors are open from 7.00pm. CDHS Members £2. Non-members are very welcome at the talk; entrance is £4. All tickets on the door.

Book sale!

Christmas is now only a few weeks away, and you are thinking “Oh no! What can I possibly buy XYZ this year?” Well, perhaps they would like one of our range of interesting books on local history!

We have introduced discounts right across the board, which will remain until the end of 2023. (The eShop will add £3.50 postage & packing.) Follow this link to our CDHS eShop and start browsing now! Alternatively, books will be available to buy at the reduced prices at our December 13th Quiz and Wassail event.

Let us keep in touch!

Not a member (yet!) but you find interesting the local history that you see here? Let us put you on our “Friends of CDHS” email distribution list. That way, even as a non-member, you will get to hear about our talks and other events in good time.

To do this, simply send an email to the Membership Secretary (address is on the Contact page).

CDHS Guided Summer Walk – WW2 trenches in Hog Wood

We will be conducting a guided walk to see the WW2 Anti-Invasion Defences at Hog Wood, Hinton Charterhouse. This will take place on 9 August.

In 1940, construction of massive defensive works was initiated across the country to hinder the anticipated Nazi attack. Hog Wood has one of the most complete sections of anti-tank ditch, slit trenches and pillbox remains still existing.

The walk is flat over about 2 miles and will take about 2 hours. Wear footwear suitable for rough footpaths, and wear or bring clothing according to the weather forecast.

We will meet on Wednesday 9th August at 2pm at Freshford Football Club, opposite the entrance to Homewood Hotel on Abbey Lane, Freshford BA2 7TB. No pre-booking required – just turn up (and bring a friend if you wish!). Parking available in the Club car park. Please contact if you need a lift.

Price £5 per person, cash on the day.

Pines Express in verse

Your Society’s committee contains a veritable wealth of talent! One of our members, Dave Bishop, has been inspired by Colin Maggs’ talk in September to pen a poem celebrating the famous rail route, the “Pines Express”. He writes:

The origin of the poem is born out of my passion for local railways, esp. the Somerset & Dorset.

My father was very keen on steam trains, and would take me down to Midford station where we were quite often invited up into the signal box.

The recent talk by Colin Maggs plus the commemoration of the Last Pines in the Somerset & Dorset Railway Trust’s recent magazine inspired me to start putting the words together. I have tried to do the Bath area justice with a line-by-line description of a southbound summer holiday express trip.

Dave’s poem is to be found as one of the items on the Combe Down top menu.

Next Wednesday Evening Talk

On Wednesday the 9th November, we have the next in our regular talk series:  Pyronaut and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Pageant.  This depiction of the historic boats in Bristol Harbour will be given by Clive Brain of the M Shed, Bristol.

The talk will be in Combe Down Primary School hall as usual, whose entrance is on Summer Lane, BA2 5JX. The talk starts at 7.30pm; doors open at 7pm. CDHS Members £1, Visitors £3. All tickets on the door.

CDHS at the Jubilee Celebrations

On Saturday 4 June, Firs Field will be transformed for Combe Down’s celebration of Her Majesty’s 70 years on the British throne. Your heritage society will be there too! come rain or shine. Please drop in and visit us under the shelter of the green gazebo (you can’t miss it!).

There will be a fascinating display of photographs from Combe Down’s past, and an opportunity to enter our new Cookery Competition!

Programme for the next 6 months of 2022

All talks are held at the Combe Down Primary School Hall in Summer Lane, BA2 5JX.   Events start at 7.30pm. CDHS Members £1, Visitors £3. All tickets on the door.

April6thCourtney Fleming (chair)Panel Discussion to mark World Heritage 50th Anniversary, with Prof Barry Gilbertson, Sarah, Simmonds and Paul Simmons
May11th CDHS Annual General Meeting (to immediately precede the talk)
May11thDan MerrettRare Flora and Fauna on Bath Skyline
June8thTrevor OsborneBuilding Development on Heritage Sites
September14thColin MaggsSteam Trains: the Pines Express