Combe Down allotments podcasts – Episode 1

Over the next few weeks we will be releasing a series of podcasts about the Combe Down allotments. These have been created by students from Bath Spa University. First of all, we have a video trailer describing the series.

And here is the first podcast – an account of the history of the allotments related by Jacqueline Burrows.

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Pines Express in verse

Your Society’s committee contains a veritable wealth of talent! One of our members, Dave Bishop, has been inspired by Colin Maggs’ talk in September to pen a poem celebrating the famous rail route, the “Pines Express”. He writes:

The origin of the poem is born out of my passion for local railways, esp. the Somerset & Dorset.

My father was very keen on steam trains, and would take me down to Midford station where we were quite often invited up into the signal box.

The recent talk by Colin Maggs plus the commemoration of the Last Pines in the Somerset & Dorset Railway Trust’s recent magazine inspired me to start putting the words together. I have tried to do the Bath area justice with a line-by-line description of a southbound summer holiday express trip.

Dave’s poem is to be found as one of the items on the Combe Down top menu.